Monday, November 16, 2009
Dakota Moon Twenty
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Dakota update
Dakota did not respond well to the IV fluid therapy, and we decided that we would bring her home so that we could love and comfort her. She doesn't have much of an appetite, and we are doing what we can to encourage her to eat and drink. She's weak, but she is interacting with the family and interested in her surroundings.
We've done what we can for her medically, without subjecting her to even more time being poked and prodded, not to mention away from home.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
Dakota's family
Sunday, November 08, 2009
On Wednesday of last week. She seemed a bit out of sorts. We went to bed early, and in the wee hours, she fell off the bed. She took a bit to come out of the fall - concerning since she has a history of seizures as well - so I took her to her vets first thing Thursday morning.
A review of the blood work showed a dramatic increase in the blood levels that we were monitoring. She was started on IV fluid therapy, and has been in the hospital since Thursday morning. We were very hopeful that this would go a long way toward getting her back to the maintenance status we had enjoyed, and until earlier today, it looked like it would do so.
I heard from the emergency vet a little bit ago, that they had decreased her IV intake as a result of a concern about weight gain (about 2.6 pounds since Friday evening). Today's blood work showed an increase in certain blood levels, as well as an increase in the calcium level, something we had not seen prior to this. They have given her a light sedative, and have inserted a catheter to help us measure the input and output. She will go back to her vet tomorrow for further evaluation.
For now, we are trying very hard to keep a positive outlook, and hope and pray that we can have Dakota home with our family.
As we get more information, we'll share with you.
Dakota's Family,
The Mom, Momma Bev, Bandit, Sadie, Molly and Pedro the fish
Monday, September 28, 2009
Snow report!
But it is nice and breezy and about 60 degrees outside here. It's supposed to drop to the 40's tonight, which means I am going to squeeze in an evening nap, so I can get The Mom up two or three times tonight. She never knows if I have to potty or I am faking it to go outside!
All remains well here. Bandit is getting a bit slower, but he's still a big barking labbie. The new pup a few doors down was walking his people tonight, and Bandit started to bark as soon as he saw them. The pup seemed to want to walk across the street after that.
The Mom spent many hours in Molly's room yesterday. It's almost Colorfest time, which means my Nana will be here soon with donut holes! I can't wait. She brings us stuff when she comes, because she knows if we are eating or playing, we'll leave her yarn alone. She makes pup blankets and people blankets I'll have to get The Mom to drag out the flashy beast and get a picture for you. Bandit's blanket is particularly nice.
Yawn...... off to nap.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Home Improvement
New counter tops for me to surf on - the new dark color really hides the paw prints!
A new kitchen floor. I'm not sure about this though, our bowl slide a LOT.
"My gosh, Bandit, the next thing you know, we'll have to sleep outside in the dog house!"
So pups, if they say 'home improvement' - run! Who knows what is next? My blankie redone?
Thursday, August 06, 2009
A special request
I apologize for not posting in a while, and I assure you it's The Mom's fault!!! But more later on this.
We just found out that next Wednesday, August 12 has been declared "Adopt a less than adoptable pet day!" by those folks at Petfinder!
What does that mean?
Well, did you know that big black dogs........ like Bandit!........ and senior dogs........... like ME! ......... are harder to find a good home for???? Well, we just need to put a stop to that. I assure you, there's absolutely nothing wrong with a big galoot like Bandit or a delicate mature woman such as myself. WE MAKE VERY, VERY GOOD COMPANIONS!!! So, if you're thinking about another furbaby, think about taking a second look at a less than adoptable pet! You'll be awful glad you did.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
So here I am.
We got lots of questions about our last post, and yes, I can now confirm.
Now, no offense to Huffle or any of the other kitties out there. I love you all. And I love you all because you don't live in my house!
Molly, the new cat, is staying with us while Momma Bev's dad is in a nursing home. See, Molly was his cat, and now he can't take care of her, so I have to take care of her. She's not furry nice. She's ok with The Mom, and she likes Mamma Bev too, but she does not like me or Bandit. She hisses, and she swats at us!
Is that any way for a guest to behave? I think not!
So, she lives in the 'guest' bedroom most of the time, and she comes out when The Mom works on her laptop or watches TV in my room.
I guess my readers want to know that I'm doing well with the kidney thing. I take pills, and I'm getting some tasty rice and chicken pretty much each meal. I even gained three pounds! My Dr is happy, and right now we're waiting for the latest test results to come back. I'll have to post when they are in.
Ok, so , that's the update.
Back to that nice newly mowed grass for me!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Charlie the Cockatiel
The Mom and one of the kids adopted him about a decade ago, after his first owner had to go to a rehabilitation center. They also adopted Molly the Cockatiel - Charlie's birdie girlfriend - at the same time. Molly went to the birdie bridge some time ago.
While we are sad, we are also happy that he had many good years with us. The Mom hasn't been able to locate a picture of him yet, if she does, I'll post it.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
NOT Sadie, but living in the guest room.............
Sunday, February 22, 2009
In Every Pup's Life......
See, The Mom thought that I needed a super duper teeth cleaning. She had just had her pearly whites all polished up, and she thought it was time that I mine all shined up too. So, as part of my senior visit, the vet agreed that it was time and they checked me out to make sure I was OK to sit in the dentists chair.
They snatched my blood!!!
Yup, they poked a sharp thing in and took my blood from me.
And they tested it.
After the test, The Mom and the vet decided that they would not make me sit in that chair after all.
It seems that while I'm all furry and fabulous outside, my insides aren't working as well as they could. My kidneys need some help. So, now, I'm taking pills. Not too bad, because they are wrapped in bread and jelly or some fake cheese. Oh, The Mom doesn't know that I know about the pills, I just humor her and eat them with the good stuff!
I'll be seeing the vet in a few weeks to get those kidneys checked out again. In the mean time, I'm keeping The Mom busy, making her get up, put me out. Let me in. Put me out. Let me in. You pups know the routine.
Just about time to go out again!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Thursday, February 05, 2009
On being a puppy.......
Sunday, February 01, 2009
I got this award from Khyra! It's the Proximity award and I am quite honored that she shared it with me! Here's the text that came along with it:

The whole SMS gang received this one:
Those pups and kittys at SMS are some really great friends. I'd like to give this to my readers. If you leave a comment, I always go check out your blog, and I must say that each and every one of you deserves this! Blogging is such fun, and so many pups are so creative! Check them out!!!
And finally, this one comes from Khyra too!

In light of my recent kitty rescue, and because Khyra is one of my sister Husky girls, I'm giving it right back to Khyra. Thank you and your mom for being our furiends!!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
I'm a hero!
It's been furry cold here, and all of my wonderful snow has turned to ICE! It's so bad, that we have to go downstairs to go outside to potty - the deck steps are too icy for us to use. Last night, Bandit's Momma took us downstairs to put us outside.... and Sadie the cat snuck out with us!!!!! She's not an outside type of kitty, she's furry old (The Mom says she's 19 or 20 years old!!!) and she doesn't have good outside fur like I do. But she went outside and started to escape! I knew she wasn't supposed to be outside, so I chased her behind the woodpile, and kept her there until The Mom could get outside to get her. I got extra pets and even some livergreat for being a good big sister and helping The Mom get Sadie back inside where she belongs!
I guess this shoots my plans for HULA membership!!!!???
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Mother Nature......
Sunday, January 04, 2009
The Start of a New Year
Here's Colby chewing on a stinky old tennis ball - note his brand new toy right next to him!
And here we are after opening presents on Christmas morning!
He's a little guy, only about 5 pounds. His head fits in my mouth! And I probably won't reveal how I know that. We get along OK, but he has some Sibe rules to learn before he comes again. Oh, and he still poops in the house. Apparently pooping under the Christmas tree is not what your humans consider leaving an appropriate present.
I think I'm going to squeeze in a nap before dinner! Blog at you soon!