Sunday, November 19, 2006

Weather report

Exciting news from the Catoctin Mountains.............. I heard it is supposed to snow tonight! The Mom says maybe just flurries, but that's enough to get me excited. I am happy enough to chase snow flakes and have some fun in my yard.

The Mom came home with lots of bags today. It's that time of the year when she starts buying lots of stuff - including stuff for me - and they get together and give things to each other - and to me. Today, she came home with two of those things that they hang on the fake tree.

I personally think she's taking this husky thing a bit too far. Really, why does she have all these fake husky things when she has me. She didn't say a whole lot when she found out about the bids I put in on eBay. I suspect that's because I bid, but didn't win! Oh well.

I'm going to go stare out the window and wait for the snow!


H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow!

Anonymous said...

We're never going to get snow! Usually we have had a noteable amount by the 17th of Nov. (at least that's what the lady told us). So far NOTHING! We want SNOW!!!!!

Dakota said...

Just a few small flakes here........sigh.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sibe - how cool that you got even a few small flakes! This winter will be my first and I'm so excited... my girl has heard that eskies like me LOOOVE to romp around in the snow!! I hope that you get more up in the mountains!

Dakota said...

Hey Ronak -
I'm hoping for a lot of snow here too. There's an Eskie in the neighborhood here - he's always out in the snow. Says that it helps keep him so white and shiny.


Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Happy Thanksgiving Dakota - hope you get some snow !
