Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Long time, no blog

We found the computer again.
After weeks of redecorating, getting 2/3 of the carpet laid (don't ask), painting the kitchen - almost complete and a ton of other chores and stuff, we found the computer again. Dakota is laying beside me, almost asleep. She's recovering from last night's visit to the v-e-t-s for her annual visit to the spa. A couple of boosters later, and she's ready for anything.
I wish I was.
The vet hit me last night with the announcement that Dakota is now considered a 'senior dog'. Now, she's not quite 7. And I had heard that 7 was the year where dogs became 'seniors'. But I had not heard that 'senior dogs' should have blood work done every six months to check on thyroid and liver functions. I'm a bit skeptical about that. Just like I was a bit skeptical a while back where the temp vet (who was filling in for my usual vet while she was on maternity leave) told me that Bandit's yeast infected ears would be cured if I had his anal glands removed.
You ask me, this guy was way too interested in Bandit's a$$.
But, as I am not a vet and just the Sibe's mom, I'm going to research all of the above and make an educated decision.
After all, she's the only Sibe I have.

1 comment:

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Thanks, Dakota, for your note of support on "Dogs with Blogs." Woooo!